Games of Daze
Infomagic - Games of Daze (Summer 1995) (Disc 1 of 2).iso
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Text File
335 lines
(C) Stepan S. Vartanov, 1992, 93, 94
KNOW-HOW is a library for BC 3.x. It includes:
KNOW-HOW.Interface with windows, icons, menus, PCX support,
screen output of LJ (SFP) fonts and so on. EGA/VGA 16 colors. KHI
also provides support scripts: user could record keyboard pressings
to file, play them or link them with any "hot key". Window system
supports multiple overlapped windows, and could simulate switching
between tasks.
KNOW-HOW.BGI. Abstract drawing functions for vector primitives
with zooming, rotation, mirror and scrolling, and concrete represen-
tation - BGI child class.
KNOW-HOW.DRAW. PaintBrush-like PCX-editor (source codes),
designed as part of KH hierarchy. Could be included to user's program
without changing any code at all.
KNOW-HOW.PRINT. Keep on disk RGB screen of any size, scroll it
in clip region on screen, with or without deformation, print this
screen or part of it on printers of different types with or without
KNOW-HOW.GRAF. Plot on screen graphics using "LINES and
MARKERS", "BAR", "3D BAR" or "STACKED BAR" presentation. Manual or
automatic mark axes.
KNOW-HOW.SLANG. Basic - like language. It's child (C++
terminology) could have functions to axess facilities of concrete
package. Usage: any spreadsheets, calculators, and creating languages
for integrated packages.
KNOW-HOW.SLANG.DRAW. SLANG-based drawind tool, vector graphics
editor. The new language derived from SLANG have additional functions
for graphic output. KNW-HOW could be connected with this tool to
produce interactive painting program.
View, edit or ask tables, Multytable QBE and so on.
KNOW-HOW.DEBUG. Creates protocol of memory operations (new and
delete) of program, even if it handles computer. Very powerful tool.
Library complectation includes all source codes. They are
commented enought to giude themself. In addition almost every CPP
file contains remarked main() function which illustrate usage of the
concrete class. Example projects are ready to compile. They are
designed to explain the KNOW-HOW ideas, and could be used as real
commercial programs prototypes. Few aspects which require the special
discussion are documented here.
Class Visible.
All classes of KNOW-HOW which are able to interact with user are
derived from this class. The base class in KH hierarchy. Please read
attentively all the comments to file.
/* Base class for any classes which may be put to interface container
(ObjectKit, ApplicationKit ...).
"ret" is the flag, it determines the behaviour of object after
it lost the control (See below).
exe() is the main function of object, it executes every time
when we choice object. WINDOWS synonym is WndProc() function.
"event" structure contains information about type of event
happened, coordinates of mouse cursor and so on. Menu and some other
objects may replace events, for example, mouse pressing on "exit"
button may be replaced with keyboard "EVENT_ESC".
"action_type" contains type of action (user-defined function) of
the last used object, or 0.
"global_num" contains number of menu item, global_i[0] contains
action_type value. To read more about reserved variables of KNOW-HOW,
see file GLOBAL.H.
#ifndef __VISIBLE_H_
#define __VISIBLE_H_
#include "addevent.h" // Event handler, the most complete version.
#include "action.h" // Reserved messages of KNOW-HOW
#include "global.h" // Temporary storage structures.
enum where_mouse { MOUSE_OUT, MOUSE_IN };
enum ret_flags { RET_OK = 1, RET_CANCEL = 2, RET_MOUSE = 4,
RET_SHOW = 32, RET_STACKED = 64 };
/* RET_ message transfer. This flags control is it necessary to
remove object from screen when input focus is lost. RET_ANY is their
For example, we work with file list, and click 22-thmenu item.
If bit RET_TRANSFER == 0, control will be passed to object pointTo +
22 - 1 (PointTo is the number of next object, and callForm - number
of previous). If RET_TRANSFER == 1, object pass control to object
with number (in upper container) pointTo.
class Visible
int object_number; // Number of base window.
int ret; // Group of flags.
int pointTo; // Object to pass control if OK EVENT handled.
int callFrom; // Object to pass control if CANCEL EVENT.
int action_type; // What to do after OK EVENT.
int once; // Is the object active?
{ once = ret = pointTo = callFrom = action_type =
object_number = 0; }
virtual ~Visible() { }
int active() { return once; } // Is it active
void set_active(int a) { once = a; }
int get_object_number() { return object_number; }
void set_object_number(int n) { object_number = n; }
virtual void repose(rect ) {}
/* For every object we could write the analog of constructor. We call
it after resizing of base window in container. This function will
recalculate coordinates of all elements of class.
int isRet(int what) { return ret & what; }
// For example: isRet(RET_OK | RET_CANCEL)
int isPoint() { return pointTo; }
int isAct() { return action_type; } // ACTION.H and user's
int isCall() { return callFrom; }
void assign(int pnt, int act_type)
// Links objects. Assign action to object.
pointTo = pnt;
action_type = act_type;
void set_call(int call) { callFrom = call; }
void set_point(int p) { pointTo = p; }
void set_ret(int r) { ret = r; }
// F.e.: set_ret(RET_OK | RET_CANCEL)
virtual void exe(int act = 0) = 0;
// Main function - user interface.
virtual void show() = 0; // Show the object
virtual void hide() {}
where_mouse mouse_in(loc l)
// Is the mouse inside this object or outside. contains() and
// other KNOW-HOW geometry see GEOM.H and GRAPHPP.H
{ return (where_mouse)(bound().contains(l)); }
virtual rect bound() = 0; // Rectangle including this object
virtual void touch(int i = 0) {}
// Fill global_... structures reserved by KNOW-HOW with
// class-specific data
#endif __VISIBLE_H_
Here is the brief discussion of how KNOW-HOW operates with
windows and menus.
Usually, object-oriented event driven systems used complicated
event handlers. Single action, as "Close The Window" generate cascade
of child messages. The main task of SCI is to use single message with
the same effect. Object's reaction to some events is determined, and
SCI guaranties that class will never meet with another events and
messages (so called "soldier - serguant principle").
Lets discuss event processing (event handling - see next
chapter). We shell call "container" the class, which keep list of
pointers to other objects, including containers. KNOW-HOW use 3
levels of containers:
OBJECT (menu with mouse buttons)
APPLICATION (example - Borland IDE)
PROGRAM (example two Paintbrushes, running under Windows).
SCI provide 3 ways to leave object: with OK message (RETURN
pressed on menu item), with CANCEL message (ESC pressed), or when
mouse button is pressed outside of object. To determine object's
behaviour SCI use 3 bits of variable "ret":
enum { RET_OK = 1, RET_CANCEL = 2, RET_MOUSE = 4 ...
This flags control is it necessary to remove object from screen
when input focus is lost. RET_ANY is their combination.
Lets, for example, working with file list we click 22-thmenu
item. If bit RET_TRANSFER == 0, control will be passed to object
pointTo + 22 - 1 (PointTo is the number of next object, and callForm
- number of previous). If RET_TRANSFER == 1, object pass control to
object with number (in upper container) pointTo.
Another example. We are working with menu NEW, OPEN, SAVE. Last
two items should call object "file menu". The following code shows
the solution:
enum { AC_USER = 101, ... AC_NEW, AC_OPEN, AC_SAVE... };
extern int file;
enum { NEW, OPEN, SAVE };
CPP file:
int file = NEW;
void application(int action_number)
// User functions. Every program should contain it's version.
case AC_NEW: new_file(); return 1;
/* new_file() is user-defined function, return value: 1 - pass
control to prev. object in menu cascade, 0 - keep control, 2 - call
next object.
case AC_OPEN: file = OPEN; return 2;
case AC_SAVE: file = SAVE, return 2;
case AC_FILE:
case OPEN: open_file(); break;
case SAVE: save_file(); break;
return 1;
NEW choice will call new_file() function, and then remove menu
from screen. OPEN or SAVE will pass control to file menu, and after
its execution open_file() or save_file() is called.
The next problem is: how do we know that next object is namely
file menu? Filling the Application container we should use the
following code:
ApplicatioKit* kit = new... // Constructor
kit->add(menu); // NEW, OPEN, SAVE menu
kit->add(file_sys); // file menu
assign(file_sys, menu, AC_NEW);
assign(..., file_sys, AC_FILE);
All items of menu points to the same object (RET_TRANSFER is 1),
user function of 1-st position of the "menu" is AC_NEW (AC_NEW + 1
for second position and so on), and user function of file_sys is
RET_REMOVE flag means that object will be removed from container
when ALT/F3 pressed (usefull in multywindw systems).
RET_SHOW forses the system to redraw all window every time it
becomes active.
RET_STACKED determines type of the window. If it is 0, that is
popup window, and if it is 1, window could be invoked in the multiple
overlapped windows system. Usually, popup windows are used in cascade
menus or dialogs.
KNOW-HOW reserves functions (messages) with numbers 0 - 100.
User could to register his own messages with numbers 101 - ... For
#define AC_COLOR 101 // Registration
application(int act)
case AC_COLOR: setcolor(RED); return 0;
Object keep the number of its function in data element
"action_type". If object may call different functions (menu),
action_type is the FIRST function in list of possible choices.
Reserved actions see the file ACTION.H
Any event was happened (RETURN pressing, f.e.). Object which
have had focus of input get this message and, depending of the value
of its "ret" class data member hide (or not) itself. Then if it was
"OK"-type event, application(action_type) is called. There are 3
possible scenaries after execution of this function: go to previous
object, keep control in current object or go to the next object.
Numbers of objects (numbers of pointers to them in the list of upper-
level container) are in callFrom and pointTo class variables. The
concrete scenary depends of the number (0, 1, 2) returned by user-
defined function.
Event handler (ACTION.H, EVENT.H, MOUSE.H and so on, see
EVENT.PRJ). Files are good documented, so only brief description is
There are 4 types of events: NOEVENT, KEYEVENT, SHIFTKEYEVENT
(CTRL, ALT, SHIFT and Lock... keys involved), MOUSEEVENT. Delpressed
is not eq. to 0 if DEL key is holded.
The most important mouse events: MOUSELEFT, MOUSERIGHT,
To get information use getevent(), readevent() and eventavail()
functions. Parameters of this functions are OR-combination of
constants mentioned above: KEYEVENT, SHIFTKEYEVENT and MOUSEEVENT.
File COLORS.SET contains few standart color sets in format:
COLOR comment
COLOR comment
COLOR comment
@ end of set No 1
COLOR comment
COLOR comment
COLOR comment
Colors could be changed using load_set_color(int COLORSETNUM)
Objects of KNOW-HOW could also use different fill patterns (in
char pattern[][8] =
{ { 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255 },
GEOM.H file defines geom. objects in C++ manner: loc(x, y)
defines pint, rect(x1, y1, x2, y2) - rectangle and so on.
GRAPHPP.H file overload BGI functions using GEOM.H structures.
Event manager could use events, which was previuosly recorded to
file. get_event() funtion (file ADEVENT) uses global flag
SCRIPT_MODE. If it is equial to RECORD, all user input is duplicated
to file scriptFileName (GLOBAL.H). If it is PLAY, event source is
file, not keyboard. See examples of scripts and macroses